This article discusses how the concept of "neediness" is tied with depression, and even more closely linked to connectedness. Neediness, or the overwhelming feeling of dependence on others, has been shown through research to be correlated with depression in a number of ways. People who consider themselves to be needy also show traits of loneliness, hopelessness and other depressive symptoms. However, psychologists have discovered that neediness most likely stems from the innate human need to be connected to other people. We, as a species, have become inclined though evolution to need to be close to one another. We really are a pack species. When humans do not feel sufficiently connected to other people, whether it is a loved one or even family and friends, it is our natural instinct to try and reach out to others. In extreme circumstances, we can be seen as "needy." The article states that it is, therefore, not a real need to connect that induces neediness, it is actually our fear of being alone. The article also gives tips on how to cope if you are feeling needy, which include: breathing as a stress management skill, getting connected with peers, practicing emotional mindfulness, taking stock of your personal relationships, and making room for your own needs.
While this article may not go into the biological and chemical functions of why we feel needy, I think it's important to take a step back and look at how simple feelings that we may not really think about have a psychological and even evolutionary background. We are programmed to seek out others and keep company as an evolutionary way to keep our species going from generation to generation. It seems that for every emotion we may experience, not only is there a biochemical reason for it, but there is also an explanation for that biochemical phenomenon. What do you guys think about this?
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