Thursday, December 13, 2012

Causes of suicide may not be based on long-term problems

This article is focused on the suicide of Jacinta Saldanha following a prank call from a radio station claiming to be Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles.  The event has caused an international outcry as well as provided more interesting insight to how and why some people are inclined to take their own lives.  Sources including many professors of psychology have noted the fact that contrary to popular opinion a person who has a stable mental condition can still be subject to certain events that may suddenly tip them over the edge.  Namely the experts claimed that moments of intense anxiety may cause people to feel as if they may not be able to cope with a certain or unique stressor despite having a stable emotional mindset.  Finally the article points to a simple explanation that suicide is a subject of psychology that is still very misunderstood and falls under the umbrella of not understanding why some people decide to take their lives and some don't   This is similar to how some people who have experienced the same traumatic event develop PDST and some don't many of the intense emotional disorders that can affect people are subject to many psychological and biological factors.

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